

【準1級】二次試験(面接)の Q and A 練習【1】

【準1級】二次試験(面接)の Q and A 練習


準1 Q and Aで実際にはこんなには言えないと思うけど、出そうなトピックではあります。


お題:Are people’s public manners getting worse in society today?





First, smoking is now restricted in many places. In the past, people used to smoke in various locations such as train stations and offices. Many smokers did not have good manners, leading to numerous cigarette butts on the streets. However, smokers are now expected to take responsibility by finding a designated place to smoke and properly disposing of cigarette butts. It can be said that smokers today exhibit much better manners in modern society.


Second, manners on public transportation have improved over the past years. With advanced audio technologies, many people use the state-of-the-art headphones, resulting in noise levels that do not disturb others. In the past, individuals unintentionally disturbed other passengers with loud noise from their headphones.