


お題:Should governments invest more in research to enhance human longevity?







理由1 = 増税につながる

Firstly, longer lives may require an increase in taxes. Research shows that elderly people tend to experience illness and physical impairment compared to the younger generation, leading to a significant increase in medical costs. This would necessitate ordinary citizens to pay higher taxes to support the elderly.


理由2 = 認知症の研究に投資すべき

Secondly, more should be done for research on dementia. Many people tend to suffer from dementia in the last stage of their lives. Dementia can impose a substantial burden on those around the patients because they have difficulties communicating with others. Communication difficulties can significantly undermine the quality of life for the patients and their families.


理由3 = 介護労働者の労働環境改善が必要

Finally, more investments should be focused on caregivers. There is a serious shortage of human resources in the care industry, particularly for senior citizens. It is imperative to increase wages and show respect for workers in the industry to retain skilled personnel. Quality care cannot be provided unless the government ensures a better working environment for these workers.


