

世界の農業は化学薬品に頼りすぎているか?(反対意見)_ 理由2つ

お題:Is the global agriculture industry too dependent on the use of chemicals?







It can be argued that we heavily rely on chemicals in agriculture today, but I personally think that the use of chemicals in the agriculture industry can be justified for the following two reasons.



Firstly, the use of chemicals can contribute to the stability of the global food supply. The advent of chemicals for farming has enabled us to provide sufficient food supplies worldwide through the import and export of food. Without the use of chemicals, it would be challenging to achieve this, leading to dire consequences, particularly in poorer countries, due to increased food prices.



Secondly, the use of chemicals is strictly regulated worldwide. Compared to the past, strict regulations for chemical use in agriculture are implemented globally. With increased awareness of environmental protection, considerable attention has been given to users. The impacts of chemical use in farms can be minimized through various strategies and practices.



In conclusion, for these reasons, I believe that the use of chemicals in the global agriculture industry can be justified.


