

Is Japan doing enough to protect its cultural heritage?(賛成意見)_理由2つ

お題:Is Japan doing enough to protect its cultural heritage?





In the past years, a large number of people from overseas have visited cultural heritage sites in Japan. I think that Japan is doing enough to protect its cultural heritage for the next two reasons.


First, cultural heritage in Japan is the most important element to attract visitors. Tourism in Japan is a major industry and a significant contributor to the Japanese economy. The country needs to properly protect its cultural heritage to retain visitors. The government invests a large amount of money in protecting cultural heritage, such as old castles and artworks, resulting in many approvals from UNESCO, a globally recognized authority.


Second, Japanese citizens actively contribute to the protection of cultural heritage. Not only the government but also local governments and communities are involved in safeguarding their cultural heritage. For instance, more than 3 million people visit Meiji-Jingu shrine on the first day of January every year. Visitor donations can be used for shrine maintenance. Throughout the country, other local shrines and temples are also carefully maintained, attracting many visitors for cultural purposes.


In conclusion, for these reasons, I believe that Japan is doing enough to protect its cultural heritage. Many citizens and tourists appreciate its value.

Will autonomous driving be common in the future?(賛成意見)_理由2つ

お題:Will autonomous driving be common in the future?






Autonomous driving will make it possible for us to go anywhere safely and efficiently in the future. I think it will definitely be common in the coming years for the next two reasons.



First, autonomous driving is safe. Research indicates that most traffic accidents are due to human error. For instance, accidents are often caused by driver fatigue, lack of attention, or incorrect behavior. Self-driving cars can transport us without such human error.



Second, autonomous driving is efficient. Unlike conventional vehicles, self-driving cars can communicate with each other. Automated systems can alert drivers to dangers and determine the best possible route based on real-time data. Autonomous driving has a lot of potential to help drivers move forward more efficiently and contribute to greater safety in road traffic.



In conclusion, for these reasons, I firmly believe that self-driving cars will be the norm in the future.

















パート1 並

パート2 並

パート3 やや難

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パート5 やや難

パート6 難

パート7 やや難





反省会やTwitterでも見かけなかったけど、stamina and (strength) を選ぶ問題、意外と悩んでしまったけど他の人たちは簡単だったのかな?

stamina と (strength)ってほぼ同じ意味かと思って、同じ意味を入れていいのか?と時間をかけて考えてしまいました。Googleで検索したら、エクササイズやプロテインの説明で "stamina and strength" と出てきました。strengthで正解だったのでしょう。よかった。





whether, no matter, ... その他選択肢2つ から選ぶ問題を間違えました。泣



[譲歩の副詞節を導いて; ~ A or B]



Whether (he is) chairman or not, he deserves to be criticized.

議長であろうとなかろうと彼は非難されて当然だ 《◆he isを省略すると⦅文⦆》




consult the web site のようなフレーズが正解選択肢となっていた問題があったことを思い出しました。






お題:Will digital currency be more popular in the future?



Digital currency has been widely used over the past years. I personally think that it will be more popular in the future for two reasons.


First, transactions with digital currency are fast. Including sending money to someone, transactions can be conducted at a rapid speed. This can actively promote handling customers in retailers and the food service sector. In the past, retailers had to spend a certain amount of time counting physical money at the end of the day. Digital currency can eliminate the processing, saving their time and effort.


Second, digital currency can be essential in online business. Research shows that the number of online shoppers has been steadily increasing over the past decade, and it is likely to continue in the future. In fact, retail stores are closing in smaller towns year by year. This highlights the need for online shopping using digital currency.


