

Is Japan doing enough to protect its cultural heritage?(賛成意見)_理由2つ

お題:Is Japan doing enough to protect its cultural heritage?





In the past years, a large number of people from overseas have visited cultural heritage sites in Japan. I think that Japan is doing enough to protect its cultural heritage for the next two reasons.


First, cultural heritage in Japan is the most important element to attract visitors. Tourism in Japan is a major industry and a significant contributor to the Japanese economy. The country needs to properly protect its cultural heritage to retain visitors. The government invests a large amount of money in protecting cultural heritage, such as old castles and artworks, resulting in many approvals from UNESCO, a globally recognized authority.


Second, Japanese citizens actively contribute to the protection of cultural heritage. Not only the government but also local governments and communities are involved in safeguarding their cultural heritage. For instance, more than 3 million people visit Meiji-Jingu shrine on the first day of January every year. Visitor donations can be used for shrine maintenance. Throughout the country, other local shrines and temples are also carefully maintained, attracting many visitors for cultural purposes.


In conclusion, for these reasons, I believe that Japan is doing enough to protect its cultural heritage. Many citizens and tourists appreciate its value.