

【準1級】二次試験(面接)の Q and A 練習【3】

【準1級】二次試験(面接)の  Q and A 練習【3】


お題:  Agree or disagree:  Television has a negative impact on society.

賛成・反対 テレビは社会に悪影響を与える


I agree with the idea that television has a negative impact on society. I have two reasons for that.


First, television can provide biased information, as TV programs are often funded by sponsors, such as major companies. Consequently, the content may not include information that is negative for these sponsors. For instance, car companies may not appreciate discussions on the disadvantages of the increase in carbon emissions.


Second, television features an abundance of advertisements. Many people, especially children, are easily influenced by these attractive ads. For example, advertisements for fast food and unhealthy snacks may attract them, leading to excessive consumption. This overindulgence in junk food may adversely affect children's eating habits.