

【準1級】二次試験(面接)の Q and A 練習【2】

【準1級】二次試験(面接)の Q and A 練習


準1 Q and Aで実際にはこんなには言えないと思うけど、出そうなトピック。



お題:agree or disagree : Job satisfaction is more important than a high salary.

賛成・反対 高い給料よりも仕事のやりがいの方が重要である




First, job satisfaction can maintain workers' motivation, which is crucial for retaining skilled employees for a long time. High turnover rates do not contribute to maintaining the company's reputation. Therefore, it is imperative for employers to pay attention to individuals' job satisfaction.


Second, job satisfaction is linked to better mental health. Employees who are content with their jobs experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Without these negative issues, workers' productivity can increase, leading to better employee health and more profits for the company.