






理由1 = 若者にとって魅力がない。給料が高い仕事は都会にある。

Firstly, living in rural areas is not attractive for young people. Fewer job opportunities discourage the younger generation from remaining in the local community. The average wage has declined over the past decade, causing most young people to struggle to make ends meet. Many of them may seek better job prospects with higher pay in larger cities.


理由2 = 農業の衰退

Secondly, the agriculture industry is not as lucrative as it once was. Although agriculture was a major industry in rural areas in the past, it is no longer profitable due to various imported produce. Many farmers in rural communities now face a serious labor shortage and a lack of successors.


理由3 = 教育の選択肢が足りない

Finally, educational options for children are fewer in rural areas compared to major cities. Most parents today are cautious about the education they provide to their children because academic background can have a significant impact on their future. Research indicates that those with a university degree can earn more money in life. Therefore, some people may choose to move to a city for educational options.


