


お題:Will people running a sideline business become a majority?







理由1 = 生活の質が悪くなる

Firstly, running a sideline business can undermine the quality of life. Although workers today have more free time than before, this free time should be used to relax and spend time with family. Some people try to have a sideline business by using free time on weekends, resulting in a lack of rest. This may cause mental and physical health issues for people.


理由2 = 初期費用が高い

Secondly, the initial cost for a sideline business is not small. For instance, online businesses require a certain level of computer skills and basic computer equipment, leading to a financial burden for most people. As IT technologies are advancing day by day, it can be challenging for most people to keep up with them.


理由3 = 競合に勝てない

Finally, providing the same service as competitors may be impossible. For instance, major corporations can achieve large-scale online shopping, allowing them to benefit from cost reductions across various resources. On the other hand, an individual's sideline business faces different dynamics. The costs associated with labor, materials, and delivery cannot be significantly reduced, making it a less appealing price option for consumers.


