


お題:Should organ donation be obliged after death?





理由1 = 身体の扱いは自由にすべき

Firstly, people's choices regarding their bodies should be highly respected, just as they are during their lifetime. Individuals and their families should be responsible for deciding how to treat their bodies, even after death. Mandating organ donation as an obligation is unacceptable and goes against human rights principles.


理由2 = 優先順位などの問題

Secondly, allowing various options for organ donation can lead to more conflicts. The potential for conflicts among patients increases with a wide range of donors in terms of age and health conditions. This situation places a significant burden on hospitals and medical workers, intensifying priority conflicts.


理由3 = 他の方法を考えるべき、倫理的課題

Finally, emphasis should be placed on exploring alternative measures. If organ donation is considered the sole option to save patients, ethical concerns may arise. For instance, this approach could create a situation where people are waiting for someone's death in anticipation of organ availability. Therefore, more should be done to explore other medical measures rather than relying solely on organ donation.


