


お題:Has industrialized nations made meaningful progress regarding climate change?






Although developed countries have made efforts to alleviate the adverse impacts of climate change, I do not think that meaningful progress has been made so far. Given that research indicates a link between high consumption of fossil fuels and climate change, more should be done to reduce people's consumption of those fuels to mitigate the impact of climate change.



Firstly, the use of gasoline-powered vehicles in advanced nations is still common. It is imperative to initiate measures in those nations to replace conventional cars with sustainably energy-powered cars. Unlike gasoline-powered cars, electric or hybrid cars emit less carbon dioxide, leading to smaller impacts on climate change.



Secondly, actions to save power are not sufficient. For instance, in Japan, more should be done in the construction sector. Research indicates that the effective use of heat-insulating materials is crucial for saving energy. Therefore, guidelines for using those materials should be more stringent, as their effective use can significantly contribute to reducing energy consumption on a large scale.



In conclusion, based on these reasons, I believe that no meaningful progress has been made by industrialized nations regarding climate change. More efforts should be undertaken to tackle climate change worldwide as soon as possible.


