





いずみ洋行の英語塾 - ChatGPTと会話しました!(その24)英検1級エッセイ問題「2019年度 第1回」




Hello Chat! Here is an English test that was conducted in Japan. I would like you to provide sample answers for me. Please create two essays, one from a pro standpoint and the other from a con standpoint. Use vocabulary and knowledge appropriate for an ordinary high school student in the USA. Additionally, please indicate the word count for each essay.


Write an essay on the given TOPIC.

Give THREE reasons to support your answer.

Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion

Suggested length: 200 to 240 words

TOPIC : Do the rich have a responsibility to help the poor in society?









Pro Standpoint:

Yes, the rich have a responsibility to help the poor in society. This is not just about being kind but recognizing that everyone deserves a fair shot at a good life.



Firstly, when there's a big gap between the rich and the poor, it can lead to problems like lack of education and healthcare for those who can't afford it. By helping out, the rich can make society more equal, ensuring everyone has the chance to succeed.



Secondly, when wealthy people contribute to projects that focus on reducing poverty, it creates positive changes. These changes aren't just for a short time; they can last for a long time. Funding initiatives that create jobs, improve neighborhoods, and provide access to education can break the cycle of poverty and make lasting improvements in people's lives.



Furthermore, when rich individuals show they care about everyone in the community, it creates a sense of unity. They can support programs that benefit many people, like community centers, educational programs, or healthcare services. This helps build a stronger and happier community where everyone supports each other.



In conclusion, the rich do have a responsibility to help the poor. By doing so, they contribute to building a fairer and more compassionate society.



Word Count: 183




Con Standpoint:

While it's nice to think that the rich should help the poor, saying they have a responsibility might be too much.



People become rich in different ways, and not all wealthy individuals are equally positioned to help. Instead of expecting the rich to bear the entire burden, it's more sensible to focus on fair economic policies and ethical business practices that benefit everyone.



Moreover, relying on the wealthy to address poverty can be inconsistent and unreliable. Economic conditions change, and expecting constant philanthropy may not be sustainable. Instead of counting on the rich, it's better to focus on systemic changes like improving social safety nets and educational opportunities, ensuring a more reliable and long-term solution to poverty.



Lastly, everyone should take responsibility for themselves. Promoting financial literacy and responsible decision-making among all individuals, regardless of their economic status, empowers communities to uplift themselves. It's crucial to emphasize self-sufficiency and independence rather than perpetuating a dependency on the wealthy.



In conclusion, addressing poverty is crucial, but the idea of placing the entire responsibility on the rich oversimplifies the issue. A more nuanced and comprehensive approach, involving systemic changes and personal responsibility, is necessary for sustained societal improvement.



Word Count: 184


