

人口過剰, sustainability(賛成意見)_理由3つ

お題:Does overpopulation pose a significant threat to global sustainability?



賛成意見, Yes opinion です。


理由1 = 不適切な農地利用

Firstly, overpopulation can contribute to inappropriate land use. As the population grows, farmers are compelled to produce more and more food crops. However, some of the current farming practices adversely affect the environment, posing a threat to the sustainability of agriculture. For example, overuse of farming land is not suitable for sustainable farming practices. This increased demand for more crops could result in more serious consequences.


理由2 = 教育が不平等になる

Secondly, overpopulation cannot provide equal access to quality education. Promoting equal access to quality education for all, regardless of socioeconomic status, contributes to social sustainability. The shortage of skilled teachers may create inequality in education. In the digital era, more experienced educators are necessary, particularly in developing countries, to prevent them from lagging behind developed ones in terms of digital literacy.


理由3 = 大気汚染が進む

Finally, overpopulation can have a negative impact on the air environment. There are still many gasoline-powered vehicles running in developing countries where the population is increasingly growing. Air pollution would be more severe, posing a threat to people's health. The issues of air pollution can be beyond the control of individuals.


