


お題:Does a society promote inclusivity sufficiently?








The debate over whether inclusivity is respected in society has persisted over the past years. Given that inclusivity offers distinct benefits for the general public, I believe that our society promotes inclusivity sufficiently. There are three reasons to support this view.


理由1 = 学校の制服の多様性

Firstly, schools embrace inclusivity regarding gender issues. For instance, in Japan, schools today offer several types of uniforms so that each student can choose without regard to gender. Providing various options for students fosters a diverse culture at school.


理由2 = 障害者雇用

Secondly, major companies in Japan are regulated to hire people with disabilities. Working with disabled employees can bring in diverse perspectives and help create a tolerant working environment.


理由3 = 職場に女性が多い

Finally, more female workers are participating in the labor market. Compared to the past, the rate of working mothers has dramatically increased over the past decades. Ensuring equal employment opportunities for individuals of all genders is essential for fostering an inclusive and competitive environment.


