

英語を社内の公用語にすべきか?(賛成意見)_ 理由2つ

お題:Should large companies in Japan make English their official language?








Whether or not English should be an official language in companies has been debated over the past years. I firmly believe that the English language should be used in companies for the following two reasons.



To begin with, having English as an official language in companies can attract more skilled workers from overseas. Given the shortage of the workforce in Japan today, efforts should be made to lure more diverse and talented employees. A large number of workers from other nations would benefit Japanese companies, stimulating the overall economy.



Moreover, English as an official language in major companies can encourage English learning. For instance, people would study English hard to secure a job in such companies. Nowadays, large companies invest time and money in employees' training, such as English learning, but they would be able to save time and costs for that training if their employees already have English skills before entering the company.



In conclusion, for the aforementioned reasons, English as an official language in large companies in Japan can be a solution to the issue of the workforce shortage and to the motivation for English learning.


