





お題:Can conflicts or wars be eradicated?


To begin with, conflicts arise from different values. As long as people hold different values, there might be some conflicts. For instance, hunting whales has been fiercely debated over the past years. In Japan hunting whales has long been a tradition in some areas, but some people argue that it should be banned because whales are highly intelligent animals. Other people, however, insist that the tradition should be protected, and that the whales they hunt are not endangered species.


Additionally, fear can be the biggest trigger for a conflict. Banning gun use in the US seems unrealistic because of this. It is crucial for humans to experience fear to survive, but sometimes it generates excessive conflicts in modern society. Some people claim that they should be allowed to have guns just in case, in order to protect themselves, which sounds like a rational opinion. On the other hand, other people want to ban them to protect innocent citizens from gun violence or unintentional accidents associated with guns.

