


お題:What can be done to stimulate growth in Japan's shrinking villages?





It can be said that many small villages in Japan are shrinking due to the decline in population. I believe that two key factors can revitalize the economy of these villages.


理由1 = 安価な住宅を提供

Firstly, the shrinking villages can attract younger families by providing appropriate housing for them. Younger families often need comfortable, spacious houses to live in. The villages should offer them large housing at an affordable cost. In fact, some parents in urban areas give up having another child due to the high cost of housing.


理由2 = リモートワークできる環境と設備を提供

Secondly, supporting people who work remotely can help retain the population. For instance, with the widespread trend of remote work, most workers need access to high-speed internet and advanced computer equipment. Providing these necessary elements can help keep citizens in the villages. The convenience of internet access and cutting-edge devices allows many workers to find a job in a wide variety of sectors, even if they live far from a major city.



In conclusion, based on the aforementioned reasons, I believe that providing support for housing and remote work can help save Japan's shrinking villages by both increasing and retaining the population.


