


お題:Does the adoption of ethical practices contribute to financial success?












Ethical practices that companies can implement vary widely. The ethical aspect of a sustainable economy lies in its commitment to minimizing negative impacts on the environment and society while fostering long-term economic viability.


理由1 = 会社の評価を高める(利益につながる)

Firstly, ethical practices can enhance the reputation of companies. For example, adopting sustainable methods in the production of clothing items can capture customers' interest. With a growing understanding of the importance of a sustainable economy, many customers are likely to prefer products made in an environmentally friendly way. By using reusable materials to manufacture items, Patagonia, an outdoor gear company, has significantly contributed to raising awareness of environmental protection, leading to increased profits.


理由2 = 価格が安くなる(利益につながる)

Secondly, refill and reusable products can appeal to consumers. Sales of reusable items contribute to a reduction in waste. Generally, a complete detergent package is more expensive than its refill. Thus, selling more refills can save both money and effort for companies compared to selling detergent in packages.


理由3 = 優秀な労働者を維持できる(利益につながる)

Finally, financial contributions to society can help retain skilled employees. For instance, when a company donates a substantial amount of money to a disaster-hit region, it instills a sense of security among its workers. The assurance of the company's financial stability encourages skilled workers to stay, resulting in greater commercial gains. 





